- Communication, culture and other environmental influences on buyer behaviour
--Culture is important communication because it differs between societies.What may be very acceptable in one country might not be acceptable in another.This is because culture is learnt.Culture may be seen as sum total learned beliefs, values and customs.These then shape and influence the buyer behaviour of people in a particular societal cantext
- The complexity of behaviour and buyer learning theory
--The basic buying impulses of incebtive,purchasing power and availability are fairly siöplistic.Satisfying needs,whether physical,social,emotional and so on,can be seento be easily achieved through situational factors such as living in a particular envioronment that predetermines,for example what one eats....
- The buying decision-making process
--As was seen above fromconsideration of the types of buyer there are,consumers differ radically most of mine from the organizational,industrial or business to-business in many ways but especially in terms of heirbuying behaviour.Both of these decisions-making process are concidered below.
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